Monday, October 4, 2010

Copyright and Fair Use

There are many questions that can be raised when assessing what fair use is and how copyright works. When looking through the quiz on copyright, I was surprised that teachers could post student work on a protected site. It wasn't so much about the copyright I was worried about, but I felt it was an infringement on the students' privacy to have their work on the site without their permission.

Another question addressed a technology coordinator using audio from The explanation said that he could use the material because pays for the archives. However, the coordinator doesn't pay and he isn't given permission to use the audio in his classroom.

One of the questions that made me mad was the one that addressed a teacher videotaping a rerun and having students edit themselves into the film. I don't understand how they can be allowed to change original content without permission.

I was somewhat surprised when I read that the teacher that uses various VHS clips as lesson starters. It doesn't seem that the showing of short clips is against the fair use, especially when the teacher is using it for educational purposes.

The question on a teacher allowing students to defeat copy protection so that they can incorporate clips from rented DVDs into a project made me mad. Not only is it going against the copyright, but it is using clips for their own purposes when they didn't even pay for the material to begin with. I do not understand why this is allowed.

One of the last questions that surprised me was the one that addressed a student copying a CD of ethnic music for a presentation. It doesn't seem fair that a student can copy an entire CD when she didn't pay for it or ask permission for its use.

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