Sunday, September 19, 2010

Chapter 7 Teaching Difficult Academic Material

One of the main points addressed in chapter 7 of Fires in the Bathroom is the importance of giving tangible examples and explaining topics from various angles. The students express that it is helpful for a teacher to give plenty of useful examples that demonstrate a concept. They also appreciate when the same idea is expressed using different techniques and resources.
I felt this section was important because there are so many different learning styles present in the average classroom that students need to be presented with material from various positions and in real ways. Students are more likely to understand a topic if they have been given multiple ways to learn it. Even for those students who already understand something, giving them another way of looking at it may solidify the idea in their minds. I believe it is a mark of a good teacher when he or she can take a concept and present it from different perspectives so that I can see its complexity as well as understand it more fully. When I am teaching, I hope that I will keep this in mind and look for multiple ways of presenting the topic for the day.

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